Edu Passion January 2019


On 24th January 2019 3 National HighSchool held an event called Edu Passion. This event facilitates high school student to know more about colleges in Indonesia and also 'Bimbel' for the 1st and 2nd grader. This event start from 17.30 until 15.00. 2019 is the second year of Edu Passion, it is free entry! 

This event was opened by Mr. Ridwan Kamil as a West Java governor. In the beginning accompanied by a sundanese welcoming traditional dance and also accompanied with the inauguration of the computer lab building. There were 35 stand which are many of collages, educational institutions, RBL by student of SMAN 3 Bandung, adiwiyata, and sharing with alumni. At the stand you can visit UPI, POLBAN, ITENAS, Telkom University, ITS,UNPAS,  UI, STAN, ITHB, Inzela, ITB, IKJ, IPB, UNDIP, UNJANI, UIN, Maranatha, BJB, Edulab, UNISBA, UGM, UNAIR, UNPAR, and UNPAD, and many more!

You can take a pshycological test for an affordable price, only idr 15.000. From 11.00 am you can visit faculty presentations in 12th grade class.In this section you can found 18 departments.There were 2 section,  For 45 minutes you will be explained about the system in the faculty by the alumni of High School 3 who have studied in that department.1. FK UNPAD2. Psychology UNPAD3. FTSL ITB4. STAN5. SBM ITB6. STEI ITB7. FTI ITB8. SAPPK ITB9. FK UI10. HI UI11. UGM12. SF ITB13. FTMD ITB14. Hukum UI15. SITH ITB16. FMIPA ITB17. AKTUARIA UNPAD18. Binus Nusantara

Beside All of the colleges stand, there are also some food stands! And you can buy it with the edu passion money. That's are all of my experience at the Edu Passion, thank you for reading:)
