My Dream

My Dream

Hello everyone, my name is Amira Kylanindita, people usually called me Amira. I was born in Bandung, 1st of September 2002, which means i'm 16 years old now. I'm the first child from 2 siblings, i have 1 little brother his name is FarreL, he is 13 years old and his school is in Taruna Bakti. My mom is a housewife, and my dad is a banker.

When i was in elementary school, i was a very smart kid. I always keep high scores in class. I also often to take part of some competition like speech, spelling bee and many more. I also love sports very much, when the school ends i always play football with my friends on the school field. When i was in the 1st grade, i join the badminton extraculicular, and on the 3rd grade, i join the wushu extraculicular. And on the 4th grade, i join a baseball club called 'Rusa Hitam' outside school. But after a year, i quit because i was very lazy to practice on friday and sunday. Besides sports, i also love music. I play piano since i was in kindergarden, so i've peen playing piano for about 13 years. I join a piano course in Melodia when i was in kindergarden and then i quit. Then when i was 1st grade, i enter a new piano course in Nada (now irama music school) across Taruna Bakti until now. I often join some piano concert and competitions. I also join a school choir (my voice was good back then hahaha, not anymore i guess). I also got high score on my UN test.

After i graduate from my elemntary school, i enter my junior highschool at Taruna Bakti. I was a very dilligent student. It is because i enter 'A' class, and my friends there are very dilligent too. I get good scores in JHS. But i don't do much activities outside school. I only join basketball and photography extraculicular and became a diactive member hehehehe. I only focus on my academic activities. Since i was in JHS, i dream of entering 3 Senior Highschool because all of my friends want to enter there.

Next, after i graduate from JHS, i enter 3 Senior Highschool, Alhamdulillah i accepted here hoho, this is my dream school. Instead of become a more dilligent person, i become a very lazy person, my learning spirit are reduced. I join an extraculicular called Jamadagni, it is an organization to explore natures and learn many things. I learned and experience new things by joining this organization. I became an active member until now.

My Strength :
I am easy to get along with other people, i'm not moody, i am good at sports (football, basketball, etc), i also like outdoor activities, i can play some music instruments too, i'm good at playing piano, i also don't forget something easily. I like to try something new. If i love something, i will do it diligently.

My Weakness :
I'm very lazy to study at home, i only study at school and at my course. I'm a 'deadliner', because i only study for tests, and i study a day before the test. To do something, i have to get encourage from other people or i have to work under pressure to get it done. And many more.

My Dream :
I want to get high scores on my last year in High School (3rd grade). I want to study more, and i want to be more productive, and i have to be focus on my exams especially for SBMPTN. After i graduate from 3 Senior Highschool, i want to enter college in ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and take the chemical engineering in the industrial engineering. I also want to take a part-time job during my college. I don't know where i'm gonna work after i graduate from my college, but i have a plan to make some business, i want to make a land business, coffee shop, and many more. Then, i will get married on 24, i'll marry a handsome, smart, religious, rich guy. After that, i'll have a kids and then travel the world with my family :)
