My last Holiday

Last Holiday, i went to Ciwidey for my extracurricular(JMD)'s activity, PenDas, for 7 days.

Before we went there, we get quarantine in school for one night. 
We (the students and comittee) went there by TNI's truck for about one and a half hour. When we arrive there, about 9 o'clock we did some warm up for our body before doing the activities.
After that, we did a longmarch to the forest and we arrive at there before maghrib. One of the comittee taught us about sheltering, he taught us how to built tent from our raincoat, and how to built a fire, he divide us into 4 groups. After we finish our shelter, we did our night routine. We cooked kornet, vegetables, and dendeng with our groups. Before we go to sleep, we change our clothes with sleeping set.
The second day, they taught us about open navigation.
On the third day, they taught us about closed navigation, when we can't see the extreme point. We had to shoot a degree of a compass, and go straight.
The fourth day we lernt how to be a survivor. One of the comittee told us what plant and animals can we eat in the condition of survival, and also how to process it. We also 
